Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Better Late Than Never

I'm a bit late writing about it, but I had a lovely Mother's Day. I received a gorgeous long-line cardigan, a beautiful Mantaray dress, a pretty scarf and a £20 Amazon voucher plus 2 cards. I didn't have to make dinner as DS2 cooked a delicious pasta bake containing 3 different cheeses that we had with salad, and he also made a Victoria Sandwich cake. I have a pressie still to come from DD1 who asked for hers to be delivered directly to me but it ended up going to her so she's had to send it on to me. It's a shame we can't all get together now that 2 of my daughters live across the country, but I spoke to all the kids on Sunday and I'm just so grateful they all made the effort and still want their mum in their lives.

DD3 and BF have chosen a venue for their wedding and are planning on 29th July 2017. They have definitely decided against France; although it would have been idyllic the cost and planning involved on a tight budget would have been extremely difficult, especially finding accomodation for around 150 guests in a small village with only other small villages nearby. I told her she and BF shouldn't have so many friends, and BF has loads of extended family he wants to invite. She's learned a lot about budgeting from her old mum though, and has already negotiated down the price of corkage for the wine, and used a voucher code for the bridesmaids' dresses.

Not much more news except, despite the cheesy pasta and the cake on Mother's Day, I managed to lose 1/2 lb this week which means I'm slowly reducing again and I'm now just 1 lb above my target weight. I'd like to be a couple of lbs under target by the summer but I'm mostly pretty happy with my weight so I'm not going to bust a gut to get lower.  

Sorry I haven't responded to all the comments. I was busy over the weekend and had a bad mood day yesterday, feeling really tired, lethargic and out of sorts so didn't get around to doing much of anything. I do apprecite them all, though, and it's nice to hear from people who've bothered to read my ramblings. So thank you everyone.

Have a great evening, love Helen xx


  1. That sounds like a lovely Mother's Day!

    1. It was a lovely, gentle, lazy day. Nice to have someone else cook dinner.

  2. Perhaps cheese is the new lettuce!!
