Wednesday, 29 April 2015

I'm Still Alive and Kicking

Hi all. 

I'm just popping on to say a big thank you to Rachel, Pam and Bridget for asking how I'm doing. I'm okay, but haven't felt much like blogging lately and I've generally been spending less time online so haven't been checking out other people's blogs as often as I used to. 

It's only 4 weeks until DD2's wedding and I've been dealing with the occasional freak out from her that all won't be ready in time, and of course I've been lending a hand with the preparations. I'm looking forward to the big day, but will also be glad when it's over as it's been all-consuming for the past 15 months. 

In addition, DS2 has recently split from his girlfriend of 4 years so I've been playing the supportive mummy role, and we took him up to her place at the weekend to pick up his stuff and to return hers. That was a sad occasion as we've also known her and her parents for 4 years and will likely not see them again now.

I also had a nasty flu bug that left me weak and tired for about 3 weeks and DH has changed jobs yet again and is back at the college teaching IT so our finances will be messed up for a month or 2 (or more) until they get his tax code correct (it took about 4 months the last time he worked there). As well as that we've been attending lots of cabaret events that DD3 and her boyfriend have been performing at and we're off to another one on Sunday night, as well as gigs that DS2 has been singing at with one band or another. So, never a dull moment.

In addition to all that we're considering getting a dog to join our mad household. We had to have our 13 year old Yorkie put to sleep about five and half years ago, and have only had our 2 big British Shorthair cats for the past 4 years.

 Shadow (top) and Halo.

But I really want a dog to take for walks to get me out of the house and for companionship when DH is at work. I would love a tiny dog but fear the cats might think it was a rat and chase it (not that either of them is any good at actually chasing or catching the occasional mouse we get in the house). And a big dog is out of the question...big dogs make me nervous, and anyway as we're both getting older I want something that won't pull me off my feet and that I can hopefully tuck under my arm. So I'm looking for a small (not miniature) or medium-sized dog, something like a shih tzu or bichon frise or one of the new mixed breed ones like a cavachon or cockerpoo. I've thought of looking for a rescue dog, but I'm not sure we'd be approved with already having cats and only a tiny backyard. Also, most of the dogs I've seen online at rescue centres tend to be larger breeds with the biggest percentage being the chav's fave breed, the Staffie. But buying a dog also means cost is a factor and even those mixed breeds can be upwards of £500. Anyway, we need to get the wedding out of the way first and then we'll start looking in earnest. Any advice on breeds, rescue dogs etc. (especially in the Kent area) gratefully received.

I love going for walks but not so much on my own and I have no one to go with when DH is at work, so a dog will be a great company and mean I get more exercise. My social anxiety issues mean I can't really join a group...well, I could but the idea gives me the colly-wobbles. I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the socialising with lots of folks I don't know at the wedding...lots of deep breaths and reminding myself its only for a few hours. Luckily I do get on well with DD2's future mum-in-law, but about two-thirds of the people there will be on her fiance's side of the family.

Well, I was only going to write a line or 2 but as usual I got carried away. I'll try not to leave it so long before writing again, and in a few weeks I'll post wedding pictures.

I hope everyone is doing well and I'll check out a few blogs later this evening. Hugs, and thanks again for asking after me. Love, Helen xx


  1. SO glad to read your news and hear from you here today! What a lovely surprise. Hope that the wedding goes well - and what an exciting prospect - a new dog! Hope to hear more of your news again when you have time xx

    1. Hi, Morgan. Thank you for your comment. 4 weeks now until the wedding..and I'm excited too about getting another furry friend. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  2. Hi Helen, sorry you've been ill and good luck with the wedding prep, we have two rehomed bichon frise and maltese we bought eight years ago, they really get me out and about and lovely people come up and chat when we're with them

    1. Hi, Jane. Thank you for your kind comments. I'm sure a dog will be good therapy for me. My mum suffered from depression but made some of her best friends while dog-walking in her local park.

  3. So happy to read your update. Please stay well and enjoy the wedding. I am sure it is a mountain of work.

    1. Hi, Suze, thank you for leaving a comment. Its only 4 weeks until the wedding now and tomorrow we're looking for DH's new suit. Thankfully I have my outfit sorted.Hope all is well with you and yours.

  4. My little Ben is a Yorkie/Spaniel cross and is the perfect size. He has a friend who is a Cavachon and she is a delightful little girl. Have you tried the Dogs Trust, they often have smaller dogs and it may be worth while contacting the local Vets for details of puppies and dogs looking for new homes.

  5. I am a clutz, I so forgot to wish you well and say how good it is to see you back. Take the time to get through the wedding and just enjoy.

    1. Thank you for your good wishes, Pam.

  6. I am very happy to see you are back to blogging. Best wishes for all your future plans. You are obviously a supportive and loved mum.

    1. Thank you for the welcome back, Veronica.

  7. Replies
    1. Hi, Rachel. Thank you for the kisses, and for your email asking after me. How are you doing? Okay, I hope. Love, Helen x

  8. Hi Helen, great to see you back xx. I have eight dogs ranging from little ones to two Staffs, who I find to be smashing dogs. I've always had dogs from puppies as you don't know the background of rescue dogs, but that is only as we have children. Although the children are older now we had dogs when they were babies and I didn't want to take the risk of having any dog with a background that could have been lied about. Saying that many people have rescue dogs who are fantastic. Keep looking, I've always thought the right one will pop up when the time is right. We've just got puppy number eight and it took some looking around at extremely overpriced dogs to find her but we stumbled upon her advert, went to see her and here she is.
    Looking forward to hearing more about the wedding and sorry to hear about your sons relationship breaking down. If you get on with their partner then you lose a friend too x

    1. Wow, 8 dogs?! That's a lot of pooches. I'm inclined to agree with you about rescue dogs being a risk. Our only other dog was a pedigree Yorkie and even then I don't think he was suited to a mad household with 5 children under 12 as he was extremely nervy. I think that having 2 big shorthair cats it will be easier to have a puppy so they can all get used to each other from an early age. I keep looing online, but really we need to get the wedding out of the way first as we can't leave a puppy alone all day and, of course, we'll all be at the wedding. And yes, a lot of dogs are overpriced, especially as, even if their parents are pedigrees, if they are different breeds the pups are still effectively crossbreeds. So, we'll take our time looking and I'm sure will find the right one eventually. I have nothing against Staffies really, but they are like a fashion accessory for Chavs around here so that would put me off getting one. Anyway, I hope all is well with you and yours. Love, Helen x

  9. Good to see you back, I missed you. Your blog was one of the first I read when I was a bit down and it helped me a lot. Sorry I don't usually comment. X

    1. Thank you, Maysie, that a lovely thing for you to say xx
